Apple usually is the center news within the tech world most of the time whether it is good or negative and why should not it be, considering how it is among the leading mobile companies and software developers in the world, who pretty much own a big chunk of the market.
This time too, Apple was in the headlines for a reason which has been going on for a while now. What is that?
Well, remember how a few months ago, Apple announced that it will be charging a 30 percent commission from all the developers for their applications present on the App Store as a commission fee.
However, this did not sit well with a few developers and one namely Epic Games precisely showed a lot of protesting and distaste towards this policy claiming that Apple already receives enough revenue and it is only exploiting the developers on its platform with such a great percentage of commission fee.
While Epic Games and Apple were already on a one on one battle with each other, the Tesla developer has now stepped into the battle field too.
What made Elon Musk do this is not known but he woke up on Friday and decided that he needed to team up with Epic Games and hence the billionaire shot a tweet in which he claimed that Epic Game was right with its statement that Apple is exploiting its users and all this commission fee seems absurd.
What we cannot figure out yet is why Elon Musk is teaming up with the Fortnite developer right now, when the issue was raised a few months ago. The CEO is also known not to jump into matters that does not concern him and considering how his company is not directly associated with Epic Games or Apple, makes us wonder what was he thinking on Friday and what situation led him to post this tweet.
However, while the matter of the App Store fee still is in court and may take time before any verdict is given, Epic Games is sure it will win and now the back up from Musk means a backup from his followers which could put in a lot of good votes for Epic Games.
Though Apple has stated that whoever isn’t happy with its fee charges can remove it from their platform and move somewhere else, it is not as easy as it seems. Apple has a large user base and developers having their applications on it is a great advantage in earning a good revenue.
From our point of view, if Apple is providing a space to developers, it does hold the right to charge them. However, it is a matter which everyone has different opinions for, which makes us wonder what is your stance on the situation?

Photo: BRITTA PEDERSEN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images
Read next: Elon Musk Mocks Apple For Using Eco-Unfriendly Elements In iPhone And Mac Batteries
This time too, Apple was in the headlines for a reason which has been going on for a while now. What is that?
Well, remember how a few months ago, Apple announced that it will be charging a 30 percent commission from all the developers for their applications present on the App Store as a commission fee.
However, this did not sit well with a few developers and one namely Epic Games precisely showed a lot of protesting and distaste towards this policy claiming that Apple already receives enough revenue and it is only exploiting the developers on its platform with such a great percentage of commission fee.
While Epic Games and Apple were already on a one on one battle with each other, the Tesla developer has now stepped into the battle field too.
What made Elon Musk do this is not known but he woke up on Friday and decided that he needed to team up with Epic Games and hence the billionaire shot a tweet in which he claimed that Epic Game was right with its statement that Apple is exploiting its users and all this commission fee seems absurd.
What we cannot figure out yet is why Elon Musk is teaming up with the Fortnite developer right now, when the issue was raised a few months ago. The CEO is also known not to jump into matters that does not concern him and considering how his company is not directly associated with Epic Games or Apple, makes us wonder what was he thinking on Friday and what situation led him to post this tweet.
However, while the matter of the App Store fee still is in court and may take time before any verdict is given, Epic Games is sure it will win and now the back up from Musk means a backup from his followers which could put in a lot of good votes for Epic Games.
Though Apple has stated that whoever isn’t happy with its fee charges can remove it from their platform and move somewhere else, it is not as easy as it seems. Apple has a large user base and developers having their applications on it is a great advantage in earning a good revenue.
From our point of view, if Apple is providing a space to developers, it does hold the right to charge them. However, it is a matter which everyone has different opinions for, which makes us wonder what is your stance on the situation?

Photo: BRITTA PEDERSEN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images
Read next: Elon Musk Mocks Apple For Using Eco-Unfriendly Elements In iPhone And Mac Batteries