As the world is transforming into a global village, the importance and requirement of Artificial Intelligence are skyrocketing. With giant leaps in the field, the limitations of AI seem non-existent, and every technological firm intends to get a bite of the AI Pie.
The leading firm in online conferencing, Zoom, has stepped in high on heels to establish a mark by integrating an Artificial Intelligence mechanism by acquiring Karlsruhe Information Technology Solutions (KITeS). This step in the right direction would ensure Zoom's greater audience from businesses, entrepreneurs, and small vendors into exploring a whole new market.
The intention for zoom was to explore a new market by providing support to an unexplored yet equally demanding area of the globe. This was brought forward with not only integrating the AI system to have increased real-time translation activity but provide more avenues for zoom to explore in the near future.
Velchamy Sankarlingam at Zoom said in regards to the merger that Zoom will continue to look for innovative ways to deliver to their consumers and improve meeting efficiency, and machine time artificial intelligence solutions will be in upgrading the quality of their platform for Zoom users across the world. To further their mission to help make collaboration frictionless – regardless of socio-linguistic or other barriers – zoom is confident of the KITES’ impressive team and sure that they will fight right in.
KITES is an organization working towards the dream of a world without language barriers by eliminating the need for a translator and acting as a real-time translator for video conferencing applications by utilizing artificial intelligence regulators on real-time servers eliminating the lag and saving time used in third-party translation software.
The KITES was founded at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany as a means to facilitate students who had difficulty in understanding English or German during their lectures by Dr. Alex Waibel and Dr. Sebastian Stucker. This firm incorporated real-time translation for increased accessibility to students and upgrading the standards of their institute.
The KITES firm will incorporate Artificial Intelligence into the zoom servers to help streamline different language communication by utilizing real-time translation from all languages with the help of artificial intelligence. This addition would upgrade Zoom’s current condition from being an English transcribed platform to an all language inclusive platform.
This also further extends zooms current real-time translation accuracy and allows a greater coverage over the global village giving them a very new market to explore and interact with. Also, the company intends to establish its very first research center in Germany to explore the future of artificial intelligence at the engineering hub of the world.

Photo: Getty Images
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The leading firm in online conferencing, Zoom, has stepped in high on heels to establish a mark by integrating an Artificial Intelligence mechanism by acquiring Karlsruhe Information Technology Solutions (KITeS). This step in the right direction would ensure Zoom's greater audience from businesses, entrepreneurs, and small vendors into exploring a whole new market.
The intention for zoom was to explore a new market by providing support to an unexplored yet equally demanding area of the globe. This was brought forward with not only integrating the AI system to have increased real-time translation activity but provide more avenues for zoom to explore in the near future.
Velchamy Sankarlingam at Zoom said in regards to the merger that Zoom will continue to look for innovative ways to deliver to their consumers and improve meeting efficiency, and machine time artificial intelligence solutions will be in upgrading the quality of their platform for Zoom users across the world. To further their mission to help make collaboration frictionless – regardless of socio-linguistic or other barriers – zoom is confident of the KITES’ impressive team and sure that they will fight right in.
KITES is an organization working towards the dream of a world without language barriers by eliminating the need for a translator and acting as a real-time translator for video conferencing applications by utilizing artificial intelligence regulators on real-time servers eliminating the lag and saving time used in third-party translation software.
The KITES was founded at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany as a means to facilitate students who had difficulty in understanding English or German during their lectures by Dr. Alex Waibel and Dr. Sebastian Stucker. This firm incorporated real-time translation for increased accessibility to students and upgrading the standards of their institute.
The KITES firm will incorporate Artificial Intelligence into the zoom servers to help streamline different language communication by utilizing real-time translation from all languages with the help of artificial intelligence. This addition would upgrade Zoom’s current condition from being an English transcribed platform to an all language inclusive platform.
This also further extends zooms current real-time translation accuracy and allows a greater coverage over the global village giving them a very new market to explore and interact with. Also, the company intends to establish its very first research center in Germany to explore the future of artificial intelligence at the engineering hub of the world.

Photo: Getty Images
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