Research Reveals Social Media Apps Know Far Too Much About You

By this point pretty much every single person in the world is aware of the fact that social media apps tend to track you. One reason for why they might be looking into such matters would have to do with optimizing their services for any and all that might want to end up using them. With all of that having been said and now out of the way it is important to note that the more pertinent reason would be so that advertising can be made a lot more specific thereby driving up profit margins for the social media companies that take part in these kinds of things.

It turns out that Facebook is the worst offender in this regard, followed closely by its subsidiary Instagram, thereby making these two the apps that tend to invade your privacy as much as they can in a legal capacity. This was revealed in research conducted by the Cybersecurity company Clairo, and it has shown that Tinder is quite a serious offender as well which would be rather bad news for people that might have been looking to find love through this online platform.

While Facebook collects just under 80% of the data it is allowed to collect by the government, Tinder follows close behind with 61.54%. If you compare this to TikTok, the app really only collects around 45% of user data, but while this is not quite as much as its competitors it still is a lot because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up compromising user security and privacy in a pretty huge way if we are not careful about stopping it from truly getting out of hand.

The thing that is particularly concerning here has to do with how dating apps are operating. Both Grindr as well as Tinder collect around 60% of the data that they are allowed to, which means that you should be really careful about the things that you share on these platforms as they might be used to track you for the purposes of offering you rather specific kinds of ads.

It should be noted that not all companies are so data hungry. For example, Amazon 23% of the data that its users can provide, which makes this company surprisingly ethical from a data privacy respect although some people might have quite a bit to say about the organization from a worker rights’ perspective.

Twitter tends to collect a relatively low amount of data coming in at just over 33% which might be more than some people are comfortable with but it is significantly lower than what Facebook, Instagram and even TikTok tend to take from you. This supports the notion that some people have that Twitter is a much safer social media platform than its various competitors.

This might just be something that the company would want to double down on as it has the potential to be what sets them apart from the rest and allow them to stay competitive in a social media landscape that has been more or less dominated by Facebook over the course of the past few years.
H/T: Clario.

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