Is Google’s Privacy Sandbox The Next Best Thing In Digital Security And Privacy

With Facebook and other social media platforms at the brink of actions against congress and defending their companies every now and then in lawsuits for infringing on the rights of the users and leaking sensitive information to advertising agencies for better marketing of their products. In an effort to secure their own skin and bring forward a path that provides the users with a safe and private experience.

A new feature was introduced to the users and termed as Google’s Project Sandbox that aims to introduce a web server that is private and safe for users to have whilst providing the advertising agencies and digital businesses with sufficient data and information to work with.

Just recently, Google released a set of updates in regards to the timeline of Project Sandbox and till when can we see this in action. With Ethical Browsing and Digital Businesses reaching new peaks everyday, Google has struck the pedal to the metal with project sandbox and infiltrated all the way to have a detailed timeline released to have users anticipate this. Even though the adhering to the timeline might serve as additional pressure to the developers, the benefits to the company are substantial as Project Sandbox is one of its kind.

The details of the Project started off when Google introduced a motto to stopping third party cookies to be used. This being the first phase of action on Google Chrome, it was previously expected to be launched by 2022, but the timeline that just hit the web, shows that disabling third party cookies will be a process taking place in the mid of 2023 and ending towards late 2023, bringing a web browsing experience without external cookies in 2024.

Amongst the several focus areas of the project include to Fight Spam And Fraud On The Web, Show Relevant Content And Ads, Measure Digital Ads, and Strengthen Cross-Site Privacy Boundaries.

From these concentrations, the first two in regards to fighting spam and showing relevant content are the one actively being worked on while the rest are in a brainstorming phase to generate new ideas and creativity. For these two, they have passed the thinking stage and have entered the testing stage.

The last execution stage would have them launched out to all Google users for a better experience.

This Project will enable the web browser to crack on any hidden intent to track the users activities and further their personal interest. These trackers include same-site cookies and HTTP Cache Partitioning amongst many. Google has revealed that the timeline will be updated on a monthly basis assuring that even though it is a few years ahead, a safe and secure internet experience is now a step away from fruition.

Read next: Google Chrome takes another step to protect its users from data theft and phishing
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