UK and US Studies Show that Apple's Night Shift doesn't Actually Improve Your Sleep!

As per a British university study carried out in 2019, the Night Shift isn’t as effective as we may like it to be when it comes to aiding us in sleep. A study conducted in the US showed the same too.

According to Apple, the Night Shift feature “may” facilitate sleep by gently increasing the amount of yellow light in the display while simultaneously hindering the amount of blue light. This color switch aims to achieve the same effect as that of the shift in color temperature as the sun begins to set. However, different studies appear to tell us that real-life experiments yield different results.

The study conducted by The University of Manchester in 2019 showed that Night Shift may have a negative effect on our sleeping patterns. As per the study, brightness levels happen to be more linked to your body clock as opposed to colors. And if the brightness levels are the same, blue has been found to be a more relaxing color than yellow.

Dr. Tim Brown carried out this study by using mice but claimed that it should apply to humans too. Also, he used custom lighting that enabled the team to change colors without impacting brightness. And blue was found to pose weaker effects on a mouse’s body clock than yellow.

Following the UK study, similar research was carried out in the US by personnel in Brigham Young University but this time around, it was done on actual people. Chad Jensen, psychology professor, along with researchers from the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center put the test subjects into three groups:

• People who enabled the Night Shift function while using their phone at night.

• People who didn’t enable the Night Shift function while using their phone at night.

• People who didn’t use their phone before going to sleep.

Jensen stated that people using Night Shift didn’t edge out those in the other two groups when it came to sleep performance.

This study comprised 167 young adults who were between 18 and 24 years old and happened to use their smartphones daily. For this experiment, they had to stay in bed for at least eight hours while wearing an accelerometer on their wrist to document their sleep activity. Moreover, people tasked with using phones were required to install an app for assessing their phone usage.

The results were prepared by taking certain factors into account such as the total duration of sleep, its quality, the time an individual took to fall asleep, etc.

Additionally, the US study discovered that if you are finding it difficult to get enough sleep at night, then completely cutting off your phone activities before going to bed may prove to be helpful.

Photo: Yiu Yu Hoi / Getty Images

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