Mozilla Firefox Is Resuming Ads on Facebook After A 3-year Break To Spread Awareness On Data-driven Targeting

Mozilla Firefox is back in the game but only for the betterment of users worldwide.

Mozilla stopped publishing ads on Facebook and Instagram a while back because of privacy-related issues. After 3 years, the ads have resurfaced but only to inform users about the drawbacks of malicious data-driven targeting.

Data-driven targeting isn't all bad but it leads companies to be more focused on data derived through consumer activities rather, which in turn reduces incentive and diminishes creativity. Mozilla spending for ads on Facebook is quite debatable but the browser is in turn targeting on being more transparent about how it targets people.

The future of this scheme is yet unknown due to the recent clashes between Signal and Facebook, where Facebook allegedly blocked all of the privacy-focused messaging app's ads due to its policies on acquiring people's location, gender, and such parameters while Signal strongly denied. The denial was then reported by Facebook to be a rather yeasty 'stunt' and left the company quite flabbergasted.

Facebook also went ahead to call out the Signal for its vile incentive, claiming that educating people was never their goal, instead, it was all about the publicity.

Mozilla facing a similar lash out is quite unlikely as it is taking every measure to convince everyone about their true intentions - to educate people. The advertisement itself is quite engaging, by the use of colors. You'll notice a bright blue, red, orange, and pink blurb with a zodiac drive next to all your interested domains. It is quite inventive how the ad then leads to Mozilla's website that informs users about data-driven advertisements. It further states how companies use demographics to generate stats through these click-baits.

Mozilla then takes a step further in securing user trust through disclosing the amount spent on ads, a mere $10,000 and doesn't fail to mention the parameters taken through these sites. Why does Mozilla go through this hassle? The primary aim is to educate people and prevent them from this affair as well as to set an example for other brands - which we know won't be as successful as expected.

Mozilla Chief Marketing Officer Lindsey Shepard took this opportunity to voice her concerns regarding the affair. She claims that data-driven advertisements help people find more specific products, however having awareness should be the first and foremost priority.

She further states that Facebook and Instagram represent quite a haphazard ecosystem which isn't all bad but what's worse is how advertisements use consumer data without their knowledge.

Mozilla has always been inclined towards making better decisions to support privacy and security. In March 2018, Mozilla stopped Facebook and Instagram advertising after the scandal that Facebook used more than 87 million people's data without their consent. This is the sole reason why Mozilla's return to Facebook has been considered quite controversial however Shephard responds by saying that it is only to spread awareness.

If Mozilla would be successful in carrying out their campaign is doubtful but we’re hoping for the best since its incentive is quite positive.

Read next: Trading Your Privacy For Safety (infographics)
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