Apple's New Advertisement Parades Its Transparency Features, While Mocking Brands That Track Smartphone Users Data

Apple has recently put out a new advertisement, touting their App Tracking/Transparency feature with absolute pride.

Online privacy's become a serious problem. With targeted advertisements on nearly every known platform, it becomes difficult to guard your information. Some users are forced to download a VPN, others simply become paranoid about their online image and withdraw from all forms of social media. Neither response is invalid, mind you. They're simply responses to an online environment that has become naturally unfriendly for the users it used to lovingly cohabit with. Take the example of Facebook. The once adored Social Network is now the leading voice for targeted ads and siphoning user data for it. Who does one trust?

Well, the answer to that query may very well be Apple. Let's make one thing clear, out of the gate. This article by no means states Apple to be anti-consumerist or even free of controversy. Far from it. Any number or iPhone repair incidents or even a closer look at the Epic Games lawsuit can paint a different picture. However, privacy is something Apple has nailed down properly. The tech giant, deciding to actively oppose any and all other Big Tech advocates for storing user data, introduced the iOS 14. With that came the highlight feature, App Tracking/Transparency.

So, how does it work? Well, Tracking and Transparency means that literally any and all apps on the iOS 14 software cannot extract any form of user data without their explicit consent. Be it cookies, browser history, internet surfing details, location, or anything else imaginable, that data can no longer be quietly siphoned off in the background. No longer must you worry about why you're getting so many targeted ads from Instagram about a subject you happened to mention aloud. Apple has you and your online footprint covered.

The Apple ad itself also takes a cheeky dig at apps trying to track user data. They appear in the video as constantly invading the protagonist's private space, checking out his orders, his grocery shopping, and even invade his private home. That is, until he kicks them all out by restricting access using the iOS feature.

Naturally, companies such as Facebook aren’t happy with the changes and have done their best to oppose them. But Apple stood steadfast, and as iOS 14.5 now rolls around, Facebook and it's repertoire of apps has also caved in.

Read next: Which Apps Are Responsible for Making You Fed Up of Your Phone Always Running Out of Battery?
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