Zoom Fatigue has affected more women than men as shown by a new study

The Stanford University researchers took part in conducting a full large scale study to examine Zoom Fatigue. Just like Skype and other similar apps, Zoom is a video calling application that got its fame globally in this pandemic when everything shifted online and businesses started to adopt it for their video conferencing.

The main objective behind this research was to study the impact on the workers after shifting from in person meeting to getting things done through virtual meetings especially among female employees. Researchers said that in every 7 women, one of them feels exhausted after back to back online meeting session this phenomenon is termed as Zoom Fatigue. For men the ratio is one in every 20. This means that in comparison with 5.5 percent men, 13.8 percent women reported themselves for feeling fatigue at an extreme level after getting off from daily Zoom call sessions. This new research work is an extension to the previously carried out study by Stanford University. The objective of which was to explore that why do people end up exhausted after virtual meetings. The study was based on 10322 participants that were kept under surveillance from February to March of the current year through a scale that was termed as the Zoom exhaustion and fatigue scale.

According to Jeffery Hancock, a professor of Communications for Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University, who co-authored the research work and claimed that the received results provides an understanding to the question that how exactly can this pandemic affect a certain group of people. Hancock believes that since Zoom is causing Fatigue according to some people but no reliable data has been shared yet that could support this claim.

Answering a possibility that could be a reason for causing Zoom fatigue is the self focused issue which according to the researchers is psychologically linked. This link triggers them while self viewing themselves in an ongoing virtual conference. This can make the person to be more aware of their appearance during any conversation. The exhaustion and fatigue scale that was used , according to the researchers carrying out study, there were two questions on board that were answered more by female participants as compared to the males. These questions were that during an ongoing video call, how much concerned to they feel while seeing themselves and the second question was that how much distracting is it to see their face during online video conference.

The findings of this study are compatible with the already existing research that was done which illustrated that women have a much higher tendency for being self obsessed as compared to men while being in front of a mirror. If this self focus trait retains for a longer period then it will start giving negative emotions commonly referred as mirror anxiety. Hancock suggested that by disengaging the self view setting on video call ,can be productive to counter this zoom fatigue

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