Tim Cook acknowledges the importance of AR in the future of Apple; he also talked about Tesla and the rumors about cars

The CEO of Apple Company, Tim Cook has rarely discussed the future products of Apple, but he hinted about the plans and thinking of Apple about Augmented Reality (AR) and rumors about the cars in the near future while he was interviewed by Kara Swisher for the New York Times. When giving his point of view about AR, Tim Cook said that the AR technology is critically important for the future of Apple Company and this will drive the user experience for this product. His discussion about the importance of AR for the success of the company shows that a cemented belief that we are anticipated to see one heck of a head wearable from the company. Kara further asked in an interview of seeing him the CEO of Apple for an unpredictable future, Tim Cook responded that he might not be the CEO of the company after 10 year time but that decade is still a long way to go, and therefore, we should focus on the current plans of company which can bring Apple Company up like Apple push into AR.

Cook further discussed the role of AR in Apple Company by saying that our communications can become even better if we are able to augment our conversation with charts and other things to appear and the audience from all over the world can also take the benefit from it, and if thinking about different fields like health, education, or gaming, the AR will definitely take off in some of these areas with the use of the phone. Through these ideas, many people were predicting that Apple has been working on AR devices and the latest leaks tell about the mixed reality device that can be introduced in the next year. However, the features of AR are already available on iPhones and iPads, but AR has not become widely used yet. Tim Cook said that Apple is also working on AR glasses but these cannot be released before 2025.

While answering the question about Tesla, he admired the efforts of that company and further said that he has respect for the company because it has not just done an amazing job in establishing the lead but it is also keeping the lead for a long period of time in the EV space.

Tim Cook also discussed the rumors of Apple cars, sayting that he has never spoken to Elon Musk and on vehicles and the potential role of Apple in them, Cook would not be drawn any specific product. He further said that autonomy is itself a core technology and there are a lot of things that you can do with autonomy and we will see what our company can do with it.

Read next: Does Tim Cook Sees Himself as The CEO of the Company in The Next Ten Years?
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