The Global Impact Report Published by Twitter Sheds Light On The Positive Power Of Micro-Blogging Social Network

The social media giant, Twitter has recently published its global impact report. In the detailed report, Twitter has managed to highlight the efforts that the company has put in various areas to have a positive impact which includes environmental projects, internal operations, external donations and much more.

In their blog post Twitter has explained that the main agenda behind publishing this report is to show how Twitter has worked for sustainability, for generosity and as a responsible corporate. The report covers five main areas on which Twitter has worked the most. These areas include; our service, Governance, People and Culture, Twitter for good and lastly Planet.

Twitter has always stated that the users can trust this app for their privacy and once again in the “our service” area they have stated that the core principle for operating app is gaining trust from its users. For “Governance”, Twitter went on to show their interest in building a trust worthy environment for the public and stakeholders which can only be done by being committed to ethics. Twitter is a global platform, which means it has users from all over the earth and hosts a very diverse culture and the company is giving in their best to reflect this diversity on communities. Twitter believes that by bringing together company and community, they can strengthen the communities for good and lastly for the Planet, according to Twitter, climate change is an important challenge and as a company it is their responsibility to make sure that it remains sustainable and well protected.

These 5 areas are a proof that Twitter is more focused on both internal as well as external projects. When it comes to following and making on platform rules, Twitter has never compromised no matter with whom the Social media app is dealing with and has always tried to protect users whenever possible. It always keeps a strict check and balance on the language being used on its platform and to determine what political speech is acceptable as well as reviewing posts if needed to be taken down for user’s benefit.

Twitter believes in workplace equality, while sharing the internal staffing goals based on inclusion and diversity the company also highlighted the strategic priorities on how to reach the desired goals which showed 50% women and 25% underrepresented minorities by the year 2025. By sharing these goals with everyone, Twitter managed to prove the positive approach this company has towards the community, and the responsibility and power that comes along with Social media platform. Twitter has always tried to upgrade the inclusion and contribution towards other elements including rules . It js true that things hasn’t went well every time for the application but the fact that the company is trying to be more open and acceptable is really meant to be appreciated.

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