LinkedIn Adds a Skills Path to Assess in Finding Jobs During these Hard Times

When the pandemic hit the world about a year ago, a lot of economic stresses were observed. While a lot of people lost their jobs due to severe collapse of companies a lot of other companies needed new hiring to meet their requirements. Yet these two coherent could not associate with each other.

Therefore, the networking giant LinkedIn took things differently and introduced a new feature called “Skills Path” which will enable employers to take additional tests before employing new workers. The company believes that some people do not realize that their skills can be used in some other fields.

The company during the pandemic observed that there were job opportunities present on their website but the talented people seeking jobs were not finding it because they believe they are restricted to one set of a field and do not realize that similar skills can be used in different job opportunities as well and even if they do realize it who will make the employers know that a respected candidate will be suitable for the job. The barrier of entry for a job seems so high that the candidates only abilities are restricted to their degrees and work experience and company’s do not focus on their skills which is why many best suitors for a job from different work experience are not hired. That is where the Skills Path comes in.

Skills Path introduces a set of LinkedIn Learning courses with Skill Assessments to help recruiters evaluate candidates in a more equitable way which will be based on their proven skills. Hiring practices have long depended on traditional candidate qualifications like degrees, title, and their network to discover candidates. With Skills Path, that changes and candidates can be hired on their skills which they prove to excel in. The candidates can also include relevant LinkedIn Learning courses on their job ads, or skill assessments, which can both assist in determining and hiring better candidates, based on their actual abilities, while also helping candidates apply for more positions.

People with different backgrounds in need of a job and no actual degree on paper or skills to show can also be hired through this as they can take an assessment skills test on the website or taken by the employers.

This is a great initiative by LinkedIn to provide a better means for seeking jobs for the unemployed while diminishing unemployment at such crucial times at the same moments.

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