Imgur introduced new feature for its users: Content Controls

The ease of use and a lot of data storage makes Imgur one of the most popular image sharing and hosting platform among users.

Imgur is all set to introduce a new feature for the users who have been demanding it for so long. The new feature called Content controls allowing user to see posts that they wish to see and view the unfavorable things less when searching on Imgur. According an official announcement, Content controls feature works in a way that satisfies user demand. Content controls is now available on desktop to browse on Imgur.

Content controls feature works by enabling users to view fewer posts from a specific topic or tags, while browsing. Back when content control was not introduced, Imgur developed a feature that allows users to prevent specific tags from appearing when searching. But now, with content controls, Imgur have extended and enhanced that feature to provide a variety of categories and made it available to all Imgur users.

It's a bit hassle to use this new feature. Content Controls can be accessed by going to Imgur's desktop beta homepage and selecting the new icon present on the right-hand side of the computer. Multiple categories (politics, scary stuff, sad stuff, and health and fitness) will be given to choose a topic that a user would not like to see more often. Or simply, customized list of deleted tags can also be created.

If a user do not want to see more posts about politics then pick the appropriate category. Likewise, if someone is least interested to see posts about dogs then add the ‘dogs’ tag in the excluded tag section. From onwards, those topics will not appear more frequently.

For the time being, this feature is only available through the desktop beta; however, once the choices are made, they will remain there in the old desktop version as well. The searching is made easy with the Content control feature as it allows the user to customize search options. Through this feature, Imgur will become more user friendly.

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