Google comes up with new feature to help protect more privacy of Google Forms responses that may be considered small but its effect is lasting in the long run for the users

We all aware of the many features and updates Google comes up with almost every month, with the company trying to provide more ease to the users with their work, it also never fails to come up with updates that can help protect the user’s privacy and also help their users to feel safe with whatever work they are doing. A feature of Google that seems small but is often a big help to many of us out there is Google Forms. It has been a huge help for teachers and students during online teaching systems in this pandemic, it helps people with conducting different surveys and even people who want to short list potential employees for their respective job interviews. While filling out the form, Google advices the users to not give in their email addresses when submitting the forms, now Google has come up with some new small features to help protect the users privacy a little more. Google has decided to now put some restrictions on transferring of the ownership of the form and also on the data that comes with it.

The users of Google Workspace also formerly known as G-Suite for education can still transfer ownerships of the Google forms but personal Google accounts can no longer have the power to transfer ownership of these Google Forms to other personal accounts. This feature makes itself an alternative to the changes that were announced on the Google Drive Help community post. Google spreadsheets, which are linked with Google Forms, where responses are filled in, can now also have the ownership of the sheets transferred. A quick and easy way for users who want to transfer the ownership of Google forms will have to first unlink the form from the spreadsheet and then transfer the ownership of the sheet. Doc, Sheets, Drawings, Slides, Folders and My Maps can still be transferred to new owners as before.

This feature is not that big of a change but it just proves of much Google cares for its users and their privacy and will make sure to bring about a change no matter how big or small it is in order to make their users feel more secure with their data and work. Through this security update Google ensures once again that the protection of their users’ data is their number one priority no matter what.

Source: Google. / AP.

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