More People Deleted Their Old Tweets In 2020, This Infographic Explains Why!

Have you ever thought of deleting certain tweets (or posts) just because you no longer have the similar opinions or want to advocate them? Well, if the case is not true in your case, more people have tried to do it in the year 2020 based on the new stats compiled with the help of a tweet deletion tool - Tweet Deleter.

The reason behind it is of course very obvious; people had more time during the pandemic to scroll through their own feeds and have second thoughts on the kind of content they have been sharing on the platforms throughout the years.

The figures state that the tweet deletion activity went up by 14% overall in 2020 and the biggest rise came in June just when the Black Lives Matter protests started to take place across the US. That one event made people more cautious and therefore, all of us would now be more vigilant than ever about our social media presence.

Furthermore, when Tweet Deleter began asking users about why they thought of removing their past tweets, the most common answer (surprisingly) came out to be for 'cleaning up my feed for potential employers'. This was followed by the intention to 'get rid of embarrassing tweets'. ‘A Major Change In Opinions’ also emerged as a popular answer as more and more people realized that what they wrote in the past was truly offensive.

However, one can expect that with this, we also got to see a positive reflection of broader societal shifts.

Tweet Deleter got the data through the app usage. It has helped users delete more than a billion tweets from over 1.3 million profiles. So if you think that the numbers don’t represent the entire Twitter user base, the sample still gives us a good glimpse of key trends and shifts.

Here is an infographic explaining Tweet Deleter’s stats in detail.
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