Apple Warns of Impending Crackdown Against Apps That Illicitly Track Users

Part of Apple’s strategy over the past few years has been to capitalize on the massive importance that many groups are giving to user privacy by positioning itself as the guardian of user privacy in a lot of ways. Apple has already taken steps to limit the tracking of user data by giving users the option of whether or not they want to give apps permission to track their data and leaving it off as a default so that a user would actively have to turn it on to facilitate tracking in the first place.

According to a statement by Craig Federighi, a top level Apple executive that serves as its VP of Software Engineering, Apple might be taking an even harder stance against apps that try to track users without gaining their permission first. In this statement, Federighi said that Apple will be removing apps that track users without permission starting in 2021. This move is definitely going to increase the privacy of Apple’s customers but at the same time some in the industry are criticizing it because of the fact that it could limit the revenue that many apps would be able to generate from apps.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that an industry that relies on users not having the option to control who uses their data is probably not all that sustainable to begin with if ethics are taken into account. Still, some would argue that leaving the option off by default puts app developers and social media platforms at a disadvantage because of the fact that many users that might not mind being tracked wouldn’t be able to provide targeted data simple due to the reason that they haven’t thought about giving this permission yet.

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