Creator Insider provides updated insights about getting YouTube verification badges and how they affect a channel

Creator Insider is an informal YouTube channel that shares information and latest updates from the YouTube Creator tech team to a large number of creators out there.

Recently, the channel posted a video in which it gave important insists related to YouTube verification badges. Back in 2019, YouTube had announced some changes that were coming in terms of the application process of these verification badges and the criteria on which these badges will be given to channels.

So, the first thing to remember is that if you are a creator and you want to apply for a verification badge, you must have at least a hundred thousand subscribers. Once you reach this milestone, you will have to fill a form to apply for a verification badge.

However, getting a hundred thousand subscribers is not the only requirement. There are two additional factors that YouTube teams will review before they accept your application.

The first condition is that your channel must be 100% authentic. Your channel must represent the creator brand that has been producing all the content. YouTube teams may even ask for additional information or documentation to verify your identity and authenticity.

Secondly, the YouTube teams want your channel to be 100%complete. It must be public and have a description. It must have an icon and proper content.

After meeting these criteria, you become eligible to receive a verification badge for your account.

Now, the question here arises is about the significance of this badge and how does it affect you or your channel if you have a verification badge?

As per Creator Insider, although a verification badge is just a visual indicator, it just makes your account valuable like a status symbol.

Aside from this, a badge will help people who are searching for an authentic creator on the platform find your channel and know that you are an authentic creator with a huge following and a name of your own.

However, it is important to know that a badge does not represent an award, and it does not provide you with extra product features.

You are eligible for awards if you are a creator who is showing promising growth on the platform.

In two scenarios, YouTube may take your verification badge back; 1). If you, being a verified channel are found to be impersonating another creator or a brand, 2). If you decide to change the name of your channel.

In both these cases, you will lose your verification badge. So, you have to be extra careful while creating original, authentic content and think twice before changing the name of your channel. The verification badge will not automatically transfer to your newly named channel, and you will have to re-apply for the verification badge.

Creator Insider has mentioned an instance where YouTube may make an exception and give the badge to a channel that may not meet the criteria. It can happen if the channel belongs to a well-known figure outside from the world of YouTube who has joined the platform and it is expected from their followers to follow them to their YouTube channel.

If you are a verified channel and for some reason, you violate YouTube’s guidelines or receive a strike or if one of your videos gets removed, then do not worry about your badge. It will not be taken away from you in such cases.
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