Twitter seems to be testing ways for users to request account verification directly

Some time ago, a blue badge appearing next to the user’s name on a profile on Twitter used to be a matter of great pride for that individual. It meant that Twitter had verified that account, which further meant that Twitter had acknowledged the account as authentic and of public interest. It was a much-coveted thing to obtain and it usually came after a long procedure and mostly to people who were famous in their respective fields. It also used to be a status symbol and this blue badge of verification used to be a major ego booster.

Previously, an individual user had to go through different steps to finally request for verification on Twitter. However, just recently, Matt Navarra, the famous social media commentator, and consultant has tweeted that Twitter seems to be working on a way for users to let them request verification directly, without having to go through multiple tedious steps.

So, as per his discovery, the simple steps that can lead to a direct verification requesting procedure require the user to first fill out their profile completely. Add a profile display picture, cover photo, name, website, and bio. They must not forget to add a verified phone number and confirm their email address. Adding a birth date is also good, and then they have to alter their tweet privacy settings by changing from ‘Private’ to Public.’

After all this, they have to visit the verification form on Twitter to put forward the verification request.

Once all the guidelines are met, Twitter will decide whether the account is of public interest or not, and within 30 days, the user may see their request getting fulfilled. However, if they do not receive their verification badge, they can try again after a month.

Twitter has quite eloquently specified which accounts are most likely to get verified. Once they are determined to be of public interest and they appear to be authentic, the likelihood of account verification increases. The accounts that are mostly considered to be of public interest include those of artists, musicians, actors, politicians, sportsmen, businessmen, and prominent religious personalities. However, an important point to remember is that a verified badge on Twitter does not imply the account or profile to be endorsed by Twitter.

This badge appears right next to the name of an account’s profile and next to the name of the account in search results. It is always the same in color and placement, so if you see an account that does not meet the above standards and still has a blue badge somewhere near the account name, it means that it is not a valid verified account, and such accounts can get suspended by Twitter.

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