New Chrome Update Brings Native Lazy Loading Support

Lazy loading is a great way to save on data costs and the like. The way this works is that iframes that contain images on any web page that you might happen to be scrolling through would often end up loading only when you scroll to them rather than loading all at once. This puts far less of a strain on your processing power as well as reducing how much data ends up being used at any given point in time.

A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that the content of the site might not have loaded since you haven’t scrolled to them, and if you’re not planning on scrolling all the way then you would not have needed those images to load in the first place making the power and data used to load them more or less futile.

While Chrome added the option for Lazy Loading a year ago, a new rollout has meant that it is a native feature. This will lead to significant improvements in loading time since the whole webpage wouldn’t need to load all the way in order to allow you to use it. Fast loading times are pivotal to a seamless and smooth browsing experience, and since Google wants as many people as possible using its features this means that the company would be quite eager to look into ways in which browsing can be facilitated as much as possible.

This will also improve streaming since images on the page will not load if you don’t scroll to them, allowing the actual streaming to take up a larger portion of the bandwidth. While there still need to be some adjustments so that certain sites where lazy loading won’t work can be taken into account, this is a definite step in the right direction for Google Chrome.

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