Facebook’s New Manage Activity Feature Makes It Easier to Bulk Delete Posts

Since a lot of people have been on Facebook since they were very young, the social media platform has ended up seeing pretty much all of their highs and lows. The prevalence of social media has made a lot of people, especially young teenagers who tend to over share in general, regret the various posts that they have made down the line.

You might have some kind of an ex-lover who you made a lot of posts with or about, and now that the relationship is over and you are trying to move on these posts are making it difficult for you to truly end up moving on in the manner that would have genuinely been ideal for you all in all. You might also have made a few posts that would be embarrassing to you in the present as they represent aspects of your past self that you might want to end up forgetting. Previous posts that you have made on Facebook could also affect your employment status, something that a lot of young people are starting to realize now that they have begun entering the job market in earnest.

With all of that having been said and out of the way, it is important to note that Facebook is now going to make it very easy for you to delete old posts. There is a new function called “Manage Activity” that is going to be extremely useful in this regard. You would be able to delete individual posts but you might also be able to look into mass deleting posts in bulk which can be useful if you are trying to forget about a specific time period that you may have been involved in.

One really useful feature that you are going to get is that you can select all posts that mention a specific person and delete those. This will be particularly useful for a lot of people and is probably going to end up being used quite often. All in all this new feature will give people more control over their social media presence.

In a blog post Facebook team announced that Manage Activity is available on Facebook Lite app. While the feature will be rolled out on mobile soon, and it will rolled out for desktop users in the future.

Read next: Facebook Adds Interesting New Option to Pages App
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