Instagram Tests Delivery Sticker and Live Fundraiser Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Considering the ongoing global crisis, almost all major businesses have either shut down or employees are working from home. However, daily-wage businesses like food chains, fuel stations and Labor Corporation and their employees are suffering due to the closure. Most of them are finding in difficult to make ends meet and provide support for their families. Keeping this in view Instagram, a social networking application managed by Facebook, decided to take a few steps which could be of some help to businesses and general public.

One of the first steps taken by Instagram was to add Support and Delivery stickers to the applications, as spotted by Jane Manchun Wong. The support sticker was tested while keeping small businesses or home-based businesses in mind that do not have the access to customers through online channels. The sticker provides its users with an option to either buy gift cards or donate to businesses or cause they support to keep them standing during these difficult times.

The delivery stickers promotes user to order takeout food from local restaurants. This works as prevention caution against the spreading disease. Since the virus can transmit through human contact it is suggested to stay indoors and avoid live interaction as much as possible. Due to this, almost all restaurants have been ordered to shut down until the situation improves. The businesses are suffering due to this, the delivery sticker on Instagram helps them in improving business while providing a way to it user to satisfy their food cravings.

Another one of Instagram addition to its features is live fund raisers. The idea behind these fund raisers is to help the under privileged while providing at interactive base to the users to make the experience fun. Through the live fundraiser option the host can see how many participants have donated and they can talk to the viewers and tell them about the cause they are working for and how it would benefit the society as a whole. Donations and charity drives are the only hope if survival for majority of the population.

On the other hand, as per Wong's discovery, Instagram may withdraw its application support from Android devices having fourth and fifth generation operating systems which are named KitKat and Lollipop. This has come as shock to most of the Android users, because unlike iOS, Android devices usually come with in-built OS which don’t get updated after a few months and since Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps now a days it is has a lot of users out of which Android users are quite high in number.

Read next: Instagram is Reportedly Working on Limiting Sensitive Content on its Platform

Featured photo: Thomas Trutschel Photothek / Getty Images
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