YouTube’s Channel Status and Features Pages Get a Redesign

YouTube is transitioning into a whole new way of doing things with its Studio which is going to be a big change from the Creator Studio Classic that YouTubers had been using for quite some time now. In lieu of these changes, the video streaming platform has conducted a redesign of two very important pages that a channel has to look into, namely the channel status page as well as the features page both of which play quite a significant role in the kind of experience that a creator can end up having on this platform.

The redesign is going to make it so that there will be a single page referred to as the feature eligibility page which would essentially provide a list of default features that every user would have access to as well as certain features that you would only be able to access until and unless you gone for phone verification, something that not every user plans to do.

The default features that you would be able to use regardless of verification are the video upload feature, the creation of playlists as well as the modification of playlists and the collaborators you include in said lists. You won’t be able to upload videos longer than fifteen minutes until and unless you opt for phone verification however, which is how it’s always been it’s just more streamlined now.

Some other features that you won’t be able to go for until you verify your phone number include the ability to get custom thumbnails along with livestreaming capabilities. Hence, you get the basics whether or not you go for phone verification as long as you don’t have community guideline strikes. The phone verification is basically so that random people can’t make accounts just to upload spam videos or content that is of a rather harmful nature.

Source: Support YouTube.

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