Clean up your follows easily on Instagram, thanks to the new update

Adam Mosseri, Instagram’s head, recently announced a new feature to be introduced in the ‘following’ tab. The ‘following’ tab shows all the accounts followed by a user, but you will also find two sections there. One section with the name ‘least interacted with’ and the other section with the name ‘most shown in feed’.

Both of these sections will show accounts that users have least interacted with or have seen much on their newsfeed in the past 90 days. This new feature will help users to remove unwanted followers from their list in just a few steps.

We all use Instagram and are aware of how difficult it is to check each and every account, especially if you have a long list. If you are planning to clear out your follower’s list, then it will turn into a hectic task, but not anymore. Thanks to Instagram, you can now easily perform an ‘unfollow spree’ on your account.

Along with the release of this feature, Instagram’s Head also highlighted how Instagram rolls out new features on the app. He mentioned that Instagram's first test features by rolling them out on a small percentage of users, then checking its effect on them.

This is another new update by Instagram, which is as amazing as the one involving removing likes from the posts. Although this feature is not available on all US users, this update is available in seven countries already.

Read next: Instagram Is Reportedly Working on a Dark Mode for Web Users!
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