Why to Use Virtual Private Networks?

Whatever your attitude to a VPN, there is no denying that Virtual Private Networks make our lives easier by solving some basic practical problems. Since 1996, the year in which Microsoft’s Gurdeep Singh-Pall invented a method for implementing virtual private networks - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), the Virtual Private Networks have been diversifying and becoming more refined. These days, various kinds of VPNs have appeared, which people have started using in ways not imagined by their inventors.

Indeed, Microsoft’s Gurdeep Singh-Pall designed a VPN to give users secure internet connection. Today’s users, however, have gone beyond this goal and started using their VPNs to access restricted content, circumvent Netflix’s geographical restrictions, browse public Wi-Fi and download files more securely, obtain cheaper subscriptions, purchase airplane tickets for a better price, and even outsmart Google. All you need to perform these actions successfully is to choose the best VPN and read the paragraphs below, where we are explaining how exactly you utilize this software so productively.

In our age of surveillance capitalism, the Virtual Private Network upholds your right to privacy. By encrypting your identity, location, and data, the VPN helps reduce the tracking of your online activities. It hides you from search engines, government authorities, advertisers, your Internet Service Provider, and third-parties or websites specializing in selling people’s browsing data. When you have the VPN installed on your computer, your online browsing activities remain private.

How the VPN camouflages your online identity can briefly be explained as follows. When you start your VPN software from your VPN service, it begins to encrypt your data, moving faster than your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Because the VPN software outruns your internet service provider, the latter loses the ability to track you down. You simply become invisible to your ISP. The encrypted data goes to your VPN and then to your desired online destination, whatever that might be: a banned website, Amazon Prime, Hulu, your bank, or travelling agency. Thanks to the VPN, your destination will see your data as coming from your VPN server rather than from your orignal computer and its location. If, say, you are travelling in China, where Google Play, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are banned, you may use your VPN to access them despite severe censorship of the Chinese Communist Party. Your VPN server will provide the American IP address to you, or any European IP address, for that matter, and, in so doing, will make it appear as if you are accessing Facebook from outside Mainland China.

Websites can be banned not only by government authorities but also by smaller official bodies. It has lately become common for offices, universities, colleges, schools, hospitals, or even public libraries to restrict access to certain websites or disallow the search of specific words. If your institution has marked as forbidden the word “war,” for example, you will not be able to read news on InfoWars website. Or if you need to research some disease whose title contains a part of the body, you might be unable to do so, when your office has blocked some terms leading to inappropriate content. To circumvent these inconvenient and often overzealous restrictions, you might use the VPN, which will help you breathe freely. You may also resort to the VPN to hide your online activities from your bosses, if you feel that they micromanage you or watch you like a hawk.

The Virtual Private Network also guards your privacy in places where you use public Wi-Fi: café shops, restaurants, hotels, trains, buses, and airports. Public Wi-Fi is hazardous, because the information you are transferring between your computer and the computer that you are assessing is available to everyone who is using the same Wi-Fi around you. If snoopers and cybercriminals want to steal your data, while you are connected to the public internet, they can do this by intercepting the communication between your computer and the computer to which you are sending information. In so doing, they can get your username, password, and credit card number hacked quickly and effortlessly. But when you use your VPN, while surfing the public internet, your online activities will remain completely invisible to attackers.

If you are disturbed by Google’s omnipresence in your life, the VPN may also help you restrict the searching engine’s spying activities. However admirable Google’s marketing tools may be, many people feel that it collects a lot of information about us. Equipped with the VPN, you will succeed in hiding your Web tracks from the tech tycoon, your Internet Service Provider, your inquisitive bosses, or cyber attackers in a café shop. In our times, when our privacy is so easily violated, it is crucial to know how to protect it. The Virtual Private Network is a valuable software and should become a widely used tool to access the internet.

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