Samsung Once Again Blatantly Copied Apple - Difficult To Differentiate Between Icons

News like “Android clones iPhone” or “iPhone copies Android feature” are very common but news headlines like “Samsung copies Apple” are mustering much attention once again. Recently at CES, Samsung, a South Korean company was blamed for copying some ideas of Apple.

Samsung highlighted its features like Samsung Pass through Samsung’s keynote, along with a slideshow of the competences of its biometric authentication system. The company also showed some of the icons and two of those icons resembled Apple’s icons.

It automatically made people think of Apple instead of Samsung. The facial recognition and fingerprint recognition icons looked identical to those of Apple. There is a little variation in the fingerprint icon but it still resembles the Apple’s icon.

It was quite unexpected that a renowned company is copying its competitors in such an awful manner, but it is nothing new. Similar incidents have happened in the past as well.

In 2018, Samsung was charged $539 million by the California court to pay to Apple for copying its various designs and utilities that were secured by copyrights.

Also, Samsung once ridiculed Apple putting a notch on its phones but later itself used the notch for its mobile devices as well. The company also mocked its rival for eliminating the headphone jack and now Samsung flagship stores also headphone jack free.

To further know about how much Samsung has been ‘inspired’ by Apple, a Tumblr blog with the name “Samsung copies Apple” was introduced. It has not been updated from the last four years but still, it is enough to show for how long this has been going on.

It is not a bad idea but instead a common practice where tech companies copy each other. It is rather amazing it brings improvement in services but in recent times Samsung is doing it quite often which is becoming a bit of embarrassing.

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