1 in 3 Americans Can’t Set Up a Wi-Fi Router

Technology has pervaded our lives, and some might even go as far as saying they can’t live without it.

There is no doubt that 2020 will draw further attention to technological advancements, but how well is the average American keeping up with basic tech knowledge?

HireAHelper (HAH) surveyed nearly 1,000 Americans on how knowledge gaps vary in areas like technology, money management, and home repairs. They analyzed respondents’ ability to complete a range of hands-on tasks and tested knowledge in several key areas. Shockingly enough, tech use seemed to be the biggest challenge.

In most cases, younger age groups may be more familiar with the technology we use every day as digital platforms have likely been introduced to them since childhood. But our findings indicate that basic tech skills could be lacking across all generations.

Wi-Fi or Wi-Foe

The internet is still a relatively new concept, but as technology continues to advance, it’s important to note which basic tech skills are the most important and need to be mastered.

For example, nearly 30% of Americans have never set up a Wi-Fi router. Although people may expect baby boomers to have the least experience with technological advancements, nearly half of Gen Zers have admitted to never completing this task on their own, compared to only 40% of boomers.

Generation X reigned supreme in this basic tech skill, as only 22% admitted to never having set up a Wi-Fi router, with millennials not far behind at 21%.

Coding HTML

Aside from setting up Wi-Fi routers, HAH sought to find out how well Americans could code.

Overall, 65% of Americans revealed not having basic HTML coding knowledge. While over a third of respondents had done some coding, men were almost twice as likely as women to have completed this task, with Gen X men reporting the most experience at nearly 55%.

Generation X also had the most experience overall as nearly 40% admitted to having coded basic HTML, with millennials falling slightly behind once again at 35%.

The report also found coding seems to be growing among younger generations. Turns out, 31% of millennial women and 27% of Gen Z women expressed having coded basic HTML.

Connecting to Bluetooth

Although coding might seem a bit intimidating at first glance, just how hard is it to connect to Bluetooth? Evidently, it’s a bit harder than you may think.

Bluetooth might not be as challenging as the other basic tech tasks listed above, as 82% of respondents had successfully accomplished this skill. But maybe age does happen to be a factor in our ability to connect to some devices.

The survey found that one-third of baby boomers we’re unable to connect to a Bluetooth device, and nearly 1 in 5 Americans admitted their own lack of success in this endeavor.

Additionally, millennials were found to be the most successful in this task, with nearly 90% claiming success, while Generation X followed behind at 84%.

Superior in Tech Skills

In the analysis, HAH also asked respondents which generation they thought was the best and worst at completing basic tech skills.

All generations (even baby boomers) believed they were the worst at completing tech tasks. Over 70% of respondents from each generation ranked “baby boomers” as the generation with the least knowledge in basic tech skills.

When asked which age group had the most tech knowledge, baby boomers (55%), Generation X (57%), and millennials (53%) agreed that “millennials” were currently the best in completing basic tech skills.

Despite baby boomers, Gen Xers, and millennials were in agreement on the matter, Generation Z (56%) said their generation was superior when it came to completing basic tech skills.

Teach the Children Well

Where do these skills come from? Some can argue basic tech skills can come from schooling and peers, but our parents impact our lives the most.

HAH asked parents in each generation about their approaches to parenting and what skills they found valuable enough to teach their children.

Over 46% of Gen X parents said teaching their children tech skills was a top priority. Baby boomers followed, as 37% admitted tech skills were important to pass along, but only 29% of millennials said they would most likely teach their children tech-related skills.

From Wi-Fi connections to Bluetooth, it’s important to stay knowledgeable about changing trends in tech. Being vigilant and staying educated in the world of technology can be beneficial as it continues to advance. The world of technology is exciting, and Americans can only benefit from learning more about changing trends.

Study: 1 in 3 Americans Can't Set Up A Wi-Fi Router

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