55 Percent Of The Apple Phones Have Been Updated to The Latest iOS

Apple is known to be one of the most addictive phone globally because it is said that switching from iPhone to Android is nearly as difficult as switching from a bustling city to a deserted island. The only reason most of the users want to switch to the newer phone is that they want to know about the new features and experience the newer version of iOS. However, it seems that people are no longer switching to newer versions because they can now update their iOS without getting a new phone.

According to the newly released report shared by the company, almost 55% of the iPhone users have not bought a new phone because they are running the latest version of iOS 13 on their older phones. Most of these phones running the latest version of iOS are as old as around 4 years. This clearly means that just because of permitting the newer version of iOS to run on older phones, the company is allowing the iPhone users to use their older phones without feeling the need to upgrade.

The report also explained that 50% of the iPhone is running on the iOS 13 whereas, 33% of the iPads are also operating on the latest version of iOS. However, the older versions of the iPhones and iPads are no longer supported by the latest updated software as there is a limit to that. The four years’ metric has been set because according to experts this is the time when an average person decides to upgrade their iPhone, however, it seems that by allowing the newer version of iOS to run on older phones, more people are relying on older versions now. Most of the users, however, decide to get a new phone once they stop getting updates on their phones.

In the report, Apple also compared their number with Google, and it seems that Android users are not very enthusiastic about adapting the newer operating system once it is released. In the latest iOS 13, some of the most anticipated features have been added which mainly includes dark mode and my app whereas, with the help of the latest version of iOS iPad gained a better web browser as well as updated home screen and file management app. Although, more iPhone users are now updating their software yet Apple has also seen a rise in complains when it comes to reporting bugs.

Since the initial release apple has released four updates of the latest version and it seems that another update is on its way considering the number of issues that have been reported.

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