Facebook will block ads that suggest the Americans not to vote

Ahead of the 2020 US presidential elections, Facebook will ban ads that discourage the Americans to vote.

This was published on the company’s second annual Civil Right Audit where the tech giant claimed to put their new policy into effect from fall.
"The civil rights audit was born out of longstanding calls from the civil rights community for Facebook to focus its attention on valid concerns the community had repeatedly raised, and to take concrete steps to address those concerns in meaningful, lasting ways.", explained report.
Facebook expanded its policies against voter suppression last year by blocking the posts that mislead the readers regarding voting methods, election dates, time, and polling locations. Their new “don’t vote” policy is also under development and the company will likely take advice from voting organizations to make it more effective.

According to Facebook, the new policy will only target the users in the USA and will remove malicious election-related content that aims to influence the next round of voting.

During the previous term’s election, Facebook faced a lot of scrutiny for being used by Russians to influence Donald Trump’s win.

However, the company is trying to remove all the allegations from their name by taking proactive measures far before the election starts.

In fact, Facebook set up its first war room in October 2018 to prevent misinformation campaigns during the midterm elections in America. Similar protocols were also set up this year in Brazil, India, and Europe for their respective elections.

The social network is also pledging to introduce a new misinformation policy before the 2020 U.S. Census takes place to prevent any misinterpretation during the process.

The company has been conducting Civil Rights Audit annually since the year 2018 to follow up on concerns targeted from underrepresented communities and advocacy groups. The next report of the same will be released early next year.

Facebook will ban ads that tell users in U.S. not to vote
Photo: Beck Diefenbach/Reuters

Read next: A detailed review of Facebook’s new terms of service
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