Ads based on Cookie-Tracking Does Not benefit publishers Much, Found Out a Study

A study carried out to analyze the impact of behavioral ads that use cookies to track users on web to target them according to their online behavior, proved these ads to be nearly ineffective.

Millions of ad dealings were tracked at a huge media company of US in a week by the researchers of three universities, University of Minnesota, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California.

Ads that use cookie-tracking were unable to do much compared to ads that are not dependent on cookies, and generated only 4% more revenue, revealed study.

The online ad industry has been presenting cookie-based ads as huge revenue generators of publishers. There can be major changes in online privacy in case the news is true. If cookie-based ads are not much benefiting, little could be said to defend the privacy challenging process.

Ashkan Soltani, one of the authors of the California Consumer Privacy Act stated that this finding can trigger a new debate regarding privacy policy. As previously the privacy breaching, the micro-targeting and drive divisive content was justified on the basis of enormous worth a publisher could have.

In case that is not true, there might be a need to pass more rigid laws against companies that track users online and still unable to profit publishers much.

Behavioral Ad Targeting Not Paying Off for Publishers, Study Suggests

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