Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Launch Marred by Logo Plagiarism Claims

Facebook has been trying to expand its horizons for quite some time now, and one of the numerous ways in which it has attempted to do so has been through the recent establishing of its very own cryptocurrency which it has dubbed Libra. The subsidiary that is going to be handle the Libra wallet is called Calibra, and while this gutsy move into the world of cryptocurrency has definitely made waves in the tech industry, it seems that Facebook will be unable to get through the launch period without its own fair share of controversy all in all.

The controversy that we are talking about has to do with the logo that Facebook has launched for Calibra. There are a lot of similarities between the logo for Calibra and the logo for an online banking service by the name of Current. Indeed, the similarities between the two logos are so striking that one may go so far as to say that the Calibra logo might just be an outright copy of the logo for Current, although how such a thing would have happened in a company as big as Facebook is quite mind boggling to say the least.

The CEO of Current, Stuart Sopp, has criticized Facebook for not doing their due diligence when receiving their logo. It is possible that both companies used the same design firm to get a logo made, in which case it would be the designer’s fault for trying to pull something like this off.
"This gives us the certainty that when the company lacks creativity it copies everything.", commented a user on Current's tweet.
Current is currently weighing its legal options and Facebook has yet to give a response, so we will just have to wait and see how this goes.

Read next: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wants her company to be involved in developing new rules to regulate the internet
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