Facebook to Make AI More Inclusive By Focusing On Algorithm Development, User Studies and System Validations

The second day of Facebook’s annual conference, F8 2019 had its focus on how the platform is trying to beat online abuse using technologies. The Company last year said that Artificial Intelligence is an important factor to keep its platforms safe.

In the opening keynote, Mike Schroepfer (Chief Technology Officer) talked about the artificial intelligence (AI) tools that Facebook is using to address a range of challenges across its platforms.

According to Facebook, currently, over 99% of the spam, fake accounts, and child safety related content are taken down with the help of AI. Though it lacked in detecting 48.4% of hate speech posts, while only 14.9% of harassment cases were identified through AI.

Facebook to Make AI More Inclusive By Focusing On 3 Main Aspects

Facebook is also struggling to improve its technology in terms of inclusivity; teaching machines not to discriminate between people on the basis of color, race or any physical attributes.

User studies, algorithm development, and system validations are the three main areas focused by Facebook to make its AI more inclusive.

Lade Obamehinti heads the technical strategy for Facebook's AR/VR team, and she noticed the flaws in the system while using the Portal smart camera’s pre-production version.

According to Obamehinti (a Nigerian-American born and raised in Dallas), she was over a video call when she noticed that camera zoomed on her white male colleague instead of her. After noticing the issue, Obamehinti discovered the flaws in the AI-powered smart camera in Portal device.

To make machines inclusive, Facebook is testing different skin tones under various light conditions and then feeding that information into AI that powers its services, along with augmented reality experiences and Portal camera.

The aim is to improve the personal experience and remove biases from systems. This is to ensure that AI dependent devices treat everyone equally.

Obamehinti said that there are different users of products, and it is important for AI-driven devices to understand this. No one should be excluded in any way.

"Inclusive AI may not be obvious to people using a particular product or service, but its effect is profound.", said Facebook tech team.

Read next: Facebook Messenger to come with its new set of Business tools, including Lead-generation templates and Appointment Booking
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