LinkedIn plans on making the Platform helpful for Freelancers, by Introducing a new "Services" Option!

LinkedIn is reportedly working on a new “Services” section, in which users will be able to provide the details of services they can offer, which would in turn help them in connecting with employers or companies looking for someone with those services. This option could be quite beneficial for freelancers.

Renowned Code Hacker, Jane Manchun Wong discovered the new option. She also posted a screenshot to support her claims and provide users a look at the new field which asks the users to add the services they offer.

This would also allow users who visit a particular profile, an idea about what to expect in terms of services offered, user’s capabilities etc. Moreover, the profiles will also be shown if someone searches for freelancers in the relevant field.

The option could work in close association with Wong, another one of LinkedIn’s new post options created for making the process of discovering service providers, easier.

It shouldn’t come as a shock that LinkedIn has been working quite hard for the past few months to maximize user data, grow its recruitment tool and enable users to easily find the right connections. So, these features would just make the platform more convenient to use.

Additionally, the freelance market is evolving at a rapid pace so it was high time LinkedIn would turn its attention to it. Over the last 5 years, there has been an increase of around 4 million American freelancers, bringing the total to over 50 million. Not only in USA, many people around the world have started preferring remote work, due to digital advancements.

The number of freelancers and opportunities for them are bound to increase as time goes by. Thus, these features will definitely sit well with LinkedIn users, once they are rolled out. As of now, there is no specific release date but it shouldn’t take too much time.

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