Google Chrome Creating Links to Let Users Navigate to Specific Part of the Web Page

Anchors in the technical term are the hashtags at the end of a link or URL which directly take the user to that particular part of the URL. The page is responsible for providing anchors that could be useful for users. Google is now experimenting with the anchor method. If implemented it would create a link that will direct users to the particular part of the text or sentence on the web page.

Chromium Gerrit showed that a new flag “enable-text-fragment-anchor” is added. This flag is not yet available in Canary branch, making it impossible to test by anyone. Though David Bokan, a Chrome engineer has given little detail about the new feature.

Bokan said that to let users navigate to the specific part of the text on a web page, support for identifying the text passage will be added in the URL fragment. When the fragmented URL will be run in the browser, it will take you that specific part of the text, be it somewhere in a long article.

According to the currently proposed methods, the starting and the ending of the paragraph will be added in the URL, which will enable you to navigate to that particular snippet.

Though it is not yet confirmed whether Google will introduce it or not, as it is feared that it can break sites which use anchors to store their data. This feature is in its initial stages, and even if it is released, users will have to wait for a long time.

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