Do the consumers prefer chatbot to humans?

Apprehensive news regarding robots taking over our jobs and lives has been making rounds since a couple of years. However, a new report suggests that even though artificial intelligence (AI) brings a lot of benefits to our lives – consumers crave human interaction when engaging with brands.

In fact, Usabilla has published a report that shows that humans do find AI and chatbots useful but doesn’t expect it to replace real people.

The voice of customer report surveyed 1,000 US-based consumers in 2018 who used the different customer service features including the FAQs, chatbots, or automated options that allowed them to avoid human interaction completely.

Three out of four (70%) respondents said that they have used chatbot already while the 60% who have not yet benefitted out of the same said that they would feel comfortable doing so.

On the other hand, almost one in five (18%) of the customers say they prefer to interact with humans when querying about a brand, regardless of the scenario.

Nevertheless, 35% of the participants also agreed that implementing AI in daily tasks saves time and that would be their no.1 reason to use chatbot.

Moreover, 54% of respondents say that they would always go for a chatbot representative over a human if it saved them even 10 minutes.

In today’s digital era, customers can do several tasks without any human assistance. Scheduling appointments, changing flight details and carrying out bank transactions are just some of the services consumers conduct with the help of AI. However, if some issue arises – the consumers look for human assistance.
Related: Artificial Intelligence: Good Versus Evil (infographic)
Although some brands have perceptions that chatbots might ‘scare’ off the consumer – around 52% of shoppers surveyed have a positive feeling towards the AI-integrated technology. Additionally, around nine out of ten (87%) of the customers report being satisfied with the AI’s ability to solve their problems.

In the end, the survey shows that companies should invest in hiring customer service representative that is able to enhance the experience of shoppers while also allowing them to interact with real people as their need.
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