Artificial intelligence is the stuff of scary movies for some people. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the AI system known as Hal frightened us all by calmly saying, “I’m sorry, Dave, I can’t let you do that,” which made us question whether giving a computer that much power over our lives was a worthwhile endeavour. Despite the reasonable caution we feel toward AI, in many ways it is already changing our lives for the better. Artificial intelligence is what you make of it, and if we as a society can agree to use it as a force for good there’s no limit to the positive impact it can make on humanity.
There’s also a great deal of fear about what will happen to humans when artificial intelligence takes over our careers. Currently it is predicted that AI will take over 38% of jobs by the mid-2030s, and 86% of executives say that workers will need to shift their skills sets in the future. These fears are similar to when automation took over things like farming and assembly lines at the turn of the century and people were unprepared to deal with the changing demands of the economic landscape.
Already AI has changed the face of healthcare through customized pharmaceutical treatments and highly accurate infectious disease model analysis. It has helped to improve road safety through predictive braking, lane monitoring, and more. There are even advancements being made in learning with the help of functional MRI studies that are being applied to how humans actually learn.
In the near future, artificial intelligence can be leveraged to solve some of our most pressing problems. Scientists are already looking to AI to help with predictive farming models that will enable us to use fewer resources to grow food in a more efficient manner. They are looking to AI to help make trucking more efficient in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It can also help people with certain types of disabilities live more full and robust lives. AI can help blind people interact with their environments more deeply and it can help deaf people do the same.
Whether AI is used for good or for evil is truly up to us. What can this technology do in the right hands? And what if it falls into the wrong ones? Learn more about the good versus evil sides of AI from this infographic.

AI Breaks Bad
As the old saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. We’ve seen several attempts at training AI go awry in recent years that can all be traced back to our own imperfections as the human programmers of this technology. AI-driven Twitter bots have been turned into racists within days of being released onto the internet, while AI-driven predictive algorithms used to predict crime have been shown to adopt racial profiling. Rather than being the neutral and dispassionate fair-minded equalizers we want them to be, they instead take on our own flaws when we program them.There’s also a great deal of fear about what will happen to humans when artificial intelligence takes over our careers. Currently it is predicted that AI will take over 38% of jobs by the mid-2030s, and 86% of executives say that workers will need to shift their skills sets in the future. These fears are similar to when automation took over things like farming and assembly lines at the turn of the century and people were unprepared to deal with the changing demands of the economic landscape.
AI Can Be A Great Force For Good
Those fears about losing your job to artificial intelligence may be unfounded, however. There are certain jobs that AI just cannot do, and keeping that in mind as you choose or retool your career path can help you stay ahead of the game. What’s more, as AI takes over certain jobs - the repetitive ones are going to be the first to go - it will free us up to gain even higher ground in terms of innovation. When the menial tasks are taken care of by machines, more human power can be freed up to achieve greater technological advances.Already AI has changed the face of healthcare through customized pharmaceutical treatments and highly accurate infectious disease model analysis. It has helped to improve road safety through predictive braking, lane monitoring, and more. There are even advancements being made in learning with the help of functional MRI studies that are being applied to how humans actually learn.
In the near future, artificial intelligence can be leveraged to solve some of our most pressing problems. Scientists are already looking to AI to help with predictive farming models that will enable us to use fewer resources to grow food in a more efficient manner. They are looking to AI to help make trucking more efficient in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It can also help people with certain types of disabilities live more full and robust lives. AI can help blind people interact with their environments more deeply and it can help deaf people do the same.
Whether AI is used for good or for evil is truly up to us. What can this technology do in the right hands? And what if it falls into the wrong ones? Learn more about the good versus evil sides of AI from this infographic.