Life is all about change, new things replacing the old ones, present washing over the past. Being old, aged, doesn’t mean that you're weak and all juiced out, it means that now you have more experience and knowledge to possibly embark on a new adventure of your own if that’s what your gut tells you.
Many entrepreneurs have done that. They never let the number of their age define their potential in creativity and change; some even revolutionized the world while working on their passion, even after retirement.
This has increased in the past decade when about 23.4 percent of the entrepreneurs were over 55 years of age which went up from an initial 14.3 percent in 1996.
The following infographic shows the statistics and the facts relating to entrepreneurship in this group of people.

Read Next: 8 Major Companies That Innovated Their Way Out Of Trouble [INFOGRAPHIC]
Many entrepreneurs have done that. They never let the number of their age define their potential in creativity and change; some even revolutionized the world while working on their passion, even after retirement.
This has increased in the past decade when about 23.4 percent of the entrepreneurs were over 55 years of age which went up from an initial 14.3 percent in 1996.
Related: 8 Entrepreneurs Who Started Late And Found Success (infographic)Since they are mostly all through the stages of initiating a new family their entire life ahead, pension and retirement most of the times, they are less likely to worry about the risks in taking certain steps. This could be dangerous but could also lead to the answer of the mystery which could not be solved if a certain risk in question is not taken.
The following infographic shows the statistics and the facts relating to entrepreneurship in this group of people.

Read Next: 8 Major Companies That Innovated Their Way Out Of Trouble [INFOGRAPHIC]