Google is Relaxing the Ban on Cryptocurrency

Google is taking off its restriction on cryptocurrency that was previously imposed on due to massive fraud and involvement of bad actors in it. Google new policy will help in to regulate buying of ads from cryptocurrency in USA and Japan region. The ban was actually announced in March and was imposed in June, just to protect consumer from any fraud. But still google has imposed his ban on ICO, wallet and trading advice as they are still expose to risk.

Still it is not clear for what reason google is lifting ban from cryptocurrency. One of the main reason might be that all the hype and speculation associated with it went down along with the bursting of cryptocurrency. Facebook also relaxes its policies on cryptocurrency in June and allowed to trade on this currency but similar to google they have still imposed restriction on ICO and further scrutinize by applying additional compliance method to run the ads. We cannot rule out FB approach that forces google to change its policies to capture the ads market, as there is tough rivalry between google and FB to capture the maximum market share.

Google is Relaxing the Ban on Cryptocurrency
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