Do you use hashtags in your social updates? Are you wondering how to use them strategically?
Smart marketers are well aware that “Hashtag” is an effective way to expand their social media reach.
However, if you're new to social content sphere then hashtags can be quite tricky to grasp the concept of.
So, to help you out, here's an infographic-guide from Quicksprout, that illustrates the what, where, how many and which ones of Hashtags.
Key takeaways:
On Twitter, Tweets with hashtags get two times more engagement (i.e retweets, clicks, favorites and replies) than tweet without.
1 or maximum 2 hashtags in your tweets is optimal. More than two hashtags drops engagement by an average of 17 percent.
Instagram is another hot-spot for hashtags, but works different than Twitter. Interactions are highest on Instagram posts with 11 plus (different) hashtags.
When Facebook first started hashtags, it didn't work well. But, as time went on it started to pickup. Now posts with 10+ hashtags get 188 average interactions.
On Google+, you posts are given hashtags automatically based on their content but you can also edit them or add your own.
![How Hashtags Work on #SocialMedia - Twitter, Instagram, GooglePlus and Facebook - #infographic #contentmarketing Use Hashtags More Effectively in Your #SocialMedia Content - #infographic #contentmarketing](