7 Critical Social Media Mistakes You’re Making

7 critical #socialmedia mistakes you’re making - #infographic

"Social media is a lot like boxing, according to author Gary Vaynerchuk, whose recent book, Jab Jab Jab Right Hook, explains the strategy behind providing value multiple times before trying to “make your ask”. Below are some of the most common social media mistakes Vaynerchuk sees companies making, and tips to recognize and fix them.

1. You're speaking the wrong language: Social content is unique for each network. Your goal should be to seamlessly blend your message into each platform's unique style. For example, post animated GIFs on Tumblr and short, witty statements on Twitter."

Read rest of the tips in the graphic below, which comes courtesy of Thinkbigshot blog.

Your advertising strategy is outdated. Today's effective marketing is all about blending into the flow of entertainment. Don't interrupt people's social media experience with jarring ads. Instead, use entertaining photos or videos to catch their attention.

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