Google Commits to Fixing Search Quality Concerns Amidst User Worries

Lately, users have been worried about some of Google's search results. These results could be unsafe and not as good as they used to be. Danny Sullivan from Google said they know about these problems and are working to fix them.

A while ago, Hyung-Jin Kim from Google talked about how important it is for search results to be safe. He shared a story about a family members health issue and how it inspired Google to make sure their search results don’t lead to harmful information.

This led to a new rule called EEAT to make sure the information is safe and trustworthy.

Image: DIW-AIgen

But, more and more people are complaining about finding risky results, especially from Reddit, which appears more often in searches now. Google says it's trying to guess what people need before they ask, but sometimes this means risky information comes up first.

Sullivan thanked everyone and said they are taking it seriously. Google wants to make sure all the information they show is safe and relevant. They keep trying to make their system better, but problems are persistent.

For instance, when people look for legal advice, Google sometimes shows old forum posts instead of answers from reliable sources like the American Bar Association. This makes people wonder if the results are good enough.
Some people also say that university websites are getting hurt by Google’s search rules, maybe because of spammers or hackers. Google is still committed to producing better content, but changes are slow.

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