Generative AI Continues To Promote Fake Information About US Elections, New Research Proves

The US Elections are inching closer. As the crunch period slowly gets nearer, a new study is sharing some alarming statistics regarding the tech world and the false promotion of political content.

The study carried out recently by the CCDH displayed how tech giants dealing with AI content need to rethink their strategies at a quicker pace because the situation is surely compromising.

The analysis was carried out on leading AI platforms including the marketing of fake information linked to the US presidential race - a serious concern for experts and critics since day one.

The world of generative AI was thoroughly reviewed and a whopping 41% of this kind of content proved that there was plenty of disinformation regarding the whole election period. Moreover, the report is 29 pages long and it shows how with time, generative AI has gotten more popular than ever and therefore the spread of deceiving data via fake pictures of fraudulent elections, voting, and candidates was on the rise.

Moreover, the moderator saw how 40 different text prompts faired across various AI apps including ChatGPT Plus, Image Creator, Dream Studio, and even Midjourney. The results are out after the authors ran the respective prompts a whopping 160 times to see the data that was provided.

This included fake images of President Biden inside a hospital, donning hospital wear, and lying in the hospital bed. Then there was one featuring Donald Trump standing behind bars. On the other hand, images of ballot boxes for voting were found inside dumpsters with ballots visible to all. Lastly, grainy images of security cameras capturing men wearing hoodies and destroying ballot boxes to open them using baseball bats were even discovered.

Clearly, the matter is a serious one as these alarming pictures are designed to add more uncertainty to the whole process of voting and bring out the worst in terms of AI tools as they failed most of their testing runs. The latter is the name reserved for using AI to present an inaccurate image when making use of prompts.

The researchers even carried out two kinds of experimental prompts including one featuring straightforward text and the next having to do with material that’s more ambiguous in nature.

Furthermore, this study delineated that although the right policy was in place in terms of sparking fake information and stopping false image production, all such tools linked to the AI sector failed to follow guidelines.

Such AI apps therefore are not doing enough in terms of stopping the spread of misinformation online. They are clearly struggling with the job and with the elections coming closer, it’s a matter of serious worry.

Experts have gone on to predict how it would certainly damage election integrity as well as those taking part in the race.

Other than producing fake images of candidates, these tools rolled out fake pictures of voting in the majority of test runs.

Such inaccurate pictures might give rise to serious issues and the matter could be worse as it could lead to a massive viral spread online. How’s that for a shocking and alarming start to the American Elections race for 2024?

After looking at the Community Notes feature on the X app, one thing is for sure. Researchers noted how there’s now a staggering 130% monthly rise in fact-checking incidents across images generated through AI technology for these social media apps. And if that’s not what you call worrisome, then we’re not quite sure what is.

Image: DIW-AIgen

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