USPTO Announces New Rules on Inventorship for Patents, Emphasizing Human Contribution in AI Inventions

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) shared its new rules on Monday. These rules are about who can be called an inventor when filing for a patent or trademark. Now, as artificial intelligence (AI) helps more with creating new things, the USPTO wants to make things clear. Their main point is that a human must play a big part in any invention that uses AI. This means that for something to be patented, a real person must have made a significant contribution to the creation of the invention.

The USPTO's report, which is 27 pages long, says that inventions made with the help of AI can still be patented. However, the focus should be on what the human did. The idea is to encourage and reward people's creativity and hard work. The USPTO is asking for the public's thoughts on this matter. They have outlined ways to figure out how a person can contribute to making something new with AI.

This new rule will affect how the USPTO and its boards, like the Central Reexamination Unit and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, operate. Starting from February 13th, these guidelines will also touch on other parts of patent law.

The USPTO believes these steps will foster good innovation, competition, and teamwork. This, they say, will help the United States stay ahead in AI technology. They hope it will help tackle some of the toughest problems we face today.

Image: Digital Information World - AIgen

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