Meta Rolls Out New Endeavors To Curb Misinformation Spread Before EU Elections

Meta is rolling out a set of new features that are designed to curb both manipulation as well as the spread of misinformation online.

The tech giant says the goal is to ensure all of its apps are safe and well protected against such nuisances as the upcoming EU parliamentary elections are set to take center stage so soon.

The news was published on a recent blog post where the company’s head of affairs in the EU rolled out a very comprehensive plan including how it hopes to set up an Elections Operations Location so that the number of fact checkers it has in place increase. Other arrangements include the rollout of certain tools for detecting and labeling content produced through AI.

The election period is nerve-racking for tech giants like Meta because it has been slammed in the past for not doing enough in terms of curbing such issues, to begin with. But with such rollouts, critics do expect more promising results.

Meta confirmed how it has allocated experts from various parts of its organization including data science, research, legal teams, and those in charge of creating the right policy. The goal is to highlight any threats that may be present and add specific measures working in real time to improve the matter.

As one can expect, the stakes at this moment in time are very high as the election period will take center stage starting in June of this year. It is said to give rise to the EU’s future. And when you’ve got a rise in technological trends like misinformation and arising, all thanks to deepfakes, it was a long time coming.

Meta has already faced a huge amount of scrutiny in regards to interfering with the elections since the start of 2016 after trolls based in Russia hijacked its apps to cause chaos in the former Elections of the US.

Since that mighty disaster, the company has opted to not take any more risks on this front and give more importance to matters like better security so that disinformation can be tackled more efficiently. This is why they’ve gone as far as to invest billions to ensure better transparency measures.

What cannot be forgotten is how experts are now warning that such plans might not be enough and therefore more needs to be done on this front, especially when it comes down to fact-checking.

Meta ramps up efforts to tackle misinformation ahead of EU elections with new tools and an Elections Operations Location.
Image: DIW-Aigen

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