Google to Improve Search Quality With Upcoming Updates

One thing that a lot of people tend to agree on is that the quality of Google’s search results has been depreciating somewhat these past few years. As a result of the fact that this is the case, Google announced that it will be making some changes that will improve search quality in the long run, and according to the company’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan, these improvements are right around the corner.

The statements came after a user took to X, formerly known as Twitter, in order to reveal a highlighted search snippet that came from a spam site. The snippet was poorly written and contained misinformation, and as if that wasn't enough, it was speaking about an individual that had recently passed away. This proved the urgency for Google to make changes as soon as they feasibly can, and Sullivan replied to the tweet to say that the company is working on fixing the issue.
When more people responded to the tweet to say that the SERP has been overrun by spam filled domains, Sullivan responded by saying that the improvements that are coming up in the future will fix this problem once and for all. In spite of the fact that this is the case, many are calling Google’s search results a joke at this current point in time, and they might not be willing to wait around to see how the company fixes the issue that it created in the first place.

The main issue appears to be that Google has turned into a bit of a monopoly. Such a development can be harmful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making the company rest on its laurels rather than make actual improvements. It remains to be seen whether or not the upcoming improvements and adjustments will have any measurable impact on search quality, but for the time being, most aren’t all that enthusiastic about the prospect. With platforms like TikTok and aiming to replace Google as a hub for search, not to mention the competition coming from ChatGPT, the search engine juggernaut might not have long to turn the tide.

Users express discontent over Google's declining search quality, citing spam and misinformation issues.
Image: Digital Information World - AIgen

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