Google Adds a New Feature for Chrome Browser that will Help Users See Content According to the Topics they Are Following on Their Feed

Tech giant Google has been introducing many amazing features and now it has also introduced a new addition for its Chrome browser. On Google Chrome’s feed, users will now not only see the posts about what publications they follow but also the topics they follow. This means users will have a more diverse and interesting feed because Google Chrome will feature the content about the topics you follow.

Glenn Gabe was the first one who alerted the users about this feature on X. He often talks about understanding Google Feed and SERPs. He said that this feature from Google is a great way to make the feed more fun and interesting for users. Glenn explained to the users what this feature is all about and said that users were used to seeing publications they follow on their feeds. But now, Chrome will also feature all the topics they follow to make the feed more personalized.

To explain this feature more in-depth, he posted some screenshots of the homepage of Google Chrome browser from mobile. In the screenshots, users could see two options: Following and Discover. By clicking on the following option, users will see the content they follow while clicking on the discover option will help users discover more publications and topics they could follow. His screenshots also show that all the content in the feed has a topic that the user was following. This is the reason Chrome was showing that content. For instance, if a user is following the topic “New York Yankees”, all the content will be shown by topic to him. Users can also manage their feeds according to their topic of interest and what they don't want to see on their feeds.

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