Bing’s Latest Test Includes A Very ‘Google-Inspired’ Knowledge Panel Design

Taking inspiration from other leading names in the tech world is so common these days but it seems like Bing is on a mission to copy search engine giant Google’s knowledge panel design.

The company just rolled out its latest test which was very much inspired by the Search engine giant Google. This would be used to further enhance its search results as a knowledge or answer panel. This latest design is directly in line with what Google rolled out as its latest version of the knowledge panel, nearly a year or two ago.

Thanks to X user Khushal Bherwani, we got to see plenty of screenshots on display on what to expect from the latest experiment by the tech giant.

Image: Bing Search - DIW

A side-by-side comparison was made by the social media user/expert to show how similar both endeavors are, clearly highlighting how much inspiration was taken from Google by Bing. And you don’t need to be an expert to identify that, another person mentioned.

It wouldn’t be wrong to mention that both search engines like to get inspired from one another but imitation is clearly not acceptable, or at least what we think.

If that was not enough, the user also highlighted how there was a share button featured on Bing’s knowledge panel. And for those still wondering what exactly is a knowledge panel, well, let’s break it down for your understanding.

Image: Google Search - DIW

It’s basically a design box featuring information that can be found on the search engine when you’re looking for key entities seen across Knowledge Graphs. The whole purpose is to attain snapshots at a swift pace on any topic depending on the search engine’s reach of content available online.

It’s been a very useful feature for searchers on Google who get to see their results for searches at a glance quickly. This data in the knowledge graph comes from several sources that cover different locations, individuals, firms, and more.

We are yet to see Google’s response on the matter as it’s very new. But clearly, they might not be too happy with the test or anyone copying their ideas that have been in place successfully for the past year and beyond. What do you think?

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