Apple Gives Rival Developers Access To Its Mobile Wallet Apple Pay To Appease EU Regulators

iPhone maker Apple is giving its rival developers the chance to use and interoperate the company’s leading mobile wallet app platform Apple Pay.

The news comes as anti-trust regulators in the EU step up scrutiny against the tech giant for disabling competition and making the lives of so many developers so difficult.

Apple Pay has long been viewed as a great way to enable purchases by just clicking iPhone devices that run across the company’s operating iOS system. Since the firm controls the operating system through exclusive means, plenty of third-party mobile wallet developers cannot get access to the breakthrough tech and therefore remain restricted at all times.

In the past, the region’s regulators including the European Commission shared how the arrival of Apple Pay is now the only option present for those having iPhone devices. And it’s therefore deemed to be a very exclusionary approach taken on by the company to prevent competition from rivals taking place as we speak. Due to this act, Apple mentioned how it was rolling out commitments to combat the leading list of concerns that people may have.

The company mentioned how it was going to allow developers belonging to third parties from accessing the mobile payment tech and giving new features to users such as defaulting for preferred payment applications while rolling out non-discriminatory criteria for eligibility as rival developers continue to struggle through the hands of top tech giants.

A series of discussions have been arising on this front for a while now where the EC called out the act but Apple promised to make more commitments to ensure developers of third parties in the EU had better options so their users could make contactless payments through iOS apps. This would be apart from the usual Apple Pay and Apple Wallet endeavor, Apple’s spokesperson added.

The commission announced on Friday how such changes would continue to be in place for the next decade and for now, it hopes to get good feedback after staying true to its promise.

If the changes made are in line with EU regulators’ concerns about the company, it will soon be adopting them and would ensure Apple makes the changes legally to ensure they come into immediate effect. But if the Cupertino firm fails to do so, it might face fines comprising 10% of the overall revenue.

Apple has been facing plenty of scrutiny from a host of antitrust regulators across the US after the DOJ shored up a new lawsuit against the organization. The latter was confirmed in a report rolled out by media outlet Bloomberg News.

The DOJ’s lawsuit revolves around software and a host of hardware limitations linked to iPads and iPhones which are restricting competition in the market. So as you can see, the DOJ might file the cast against the iPhone maker as early as Q1, the report further delineated.

Photo: Digital Information World - AIgen

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