Microsoft Rolls Out Innovative Deep Search AI Feature To Help Give Bing Users Better Answers to Complex Questions

Have you ever used a search engine to find the answer to a complex question but have been left less than impressed by the reply? Well, if that’s the case, Microsoft might have the perfect solution for you.

The software giant has just rolled out a new generative AI feature called Deep Search for its Bing search engine. And that means giving users a better reply to queries that they simply can’t seem to find the answer for.

The goal is to figure out the user’s intent for complex questions and then provide a series of results that best complements them, without sticking to just the classic keywords.

The company rolled out the initiative today and called it the latest trend in Microsoft's AI offerings to give searchers a more tailored exploration experience.

But how exactly does it work is a question on many people’s minds.

For starters, you can find it at the start of the company’s web index for Bing and its respective ranking system. After that, we’re going to see it make use of GPT-4 to reveal all possible types of variants and intentions that could be behind every question while computing an explanation for every single one of those to produce desirable results.

After making use of combination techniques, Deep Search will display results that you generally fail to find when carrying out the usual search online.

There were even some examples displayed by the tech giant that proved just that and how a sample user was looking for the currently trending point system in Japan which a usual search engine would vaguely describe.

In this case, however, we get to witness Deep Search putting out results with a host of other words that it deems relevant. For instance, it would tag along a search for how loyalty cards work in the country, followed by which are the best options for traveling, and then comparing that category-wise.

After that, options for how they can be redeemed are provided including how they can be maintained through simple phone apps too. So as you can see, there is a wide range of options being covered, making sure the user leaves content and is well-informed in terms of what it might be looking for.

Microsoft released more details on this front including what’s the leading factor in terms of how pages match with Bing’s search engine and how it aligns with the huge expanded description in place. There were some relevant factors also delineated by the software giant including considerations about topic matches, if there’s enough detail, how relevant it is with today’s modern era, and even if it’s accurate or can be relied upon.

Deep Search fails to load similarly to the usual search results so while it might take a little extra time, the results are said to be worth it. However, researchers aren’t holding too many high hopes on the matter as not a lot of individuals have that much time on their hands when on the run.

For now, it’s just restricted to a limited number of individuals regarding the company’s global market of users. But we do hope Deep Search can attain its goals during the testing phase so that we can see it expand to the masses soon, the company added.

The news is fairly interesting as the world certainly needs more improved search results that can take away clicks from the usual searches done organically. But at the same time, it’s tough to tell if it can maintain success at this point in time.

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