Here’s What Happens on the Internet Every Minute

The internet is an ever changing landscape that involves countless bits of information flowing in and out of the system, and the eleventh iteration of the report known as Data Never Sleeps sheds some light on what that data looks like. Released by Domo, this report is a crucial source of information that can clarify what occurs on the internet on a minute to minute basis, and it covers everything from emails to Google Searches.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that around 241 million emails are sent every single minute. That’s up from the 231.4 million that were sent each minute last year, and 204 million in 2013 when the report was first released. The upward trajectory will likely lead to a quarter of a billion emails being sent per minute at some point or another during the 2020s.

As for Google Searches, they much like every other type of internet activity have seen an enormous increase, perhaps even more staggering than that of emails. In 2013, Google Search users input around 2 million search queries per minute. By 2022, this had increased to 5.9 million, and the metric registered another uptick in 2023 to reach 6.3 million per minute.

There’s also a lot more cash being sent through Venmo. Ever since PayPal acquired the service back in 2013, the year the first iteration of this report came out, the company has grown considerably and now $463,000 is transferred between users every minute of every day. This is over $30,000 more than last year’s $437,600 peak, and it’s fairly likely that the company will surpass half a million dollars per minute by 2024 or 2025 at the latest so long as the current trend persists.

These metrics indicate that practically every aspect of the internet is seeing a rise, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, there are some areas which are perhaps not quite as dramatic in their increased. For example, 100,000 Tweets were sent out per minute in 2013, which increased to 347,000 in 2022 and 360,000 in 2023, but this came after a sudden dip in 2021.

Furthermore, the amount of content that is streamed each minute has gone down. The sheer volume of streaming makes it necessary to refer to this number in terms of years rather than hours, and in 2022, around 114 years of content, or 1 million minutes, were streamed per minute.

This year, the number plummeted to just 43 years with all things having been considered and taken into account. That just goes to show that increases are not a given, and that it is entirely possible for certain types of content to see a dramatic decline despite previous growth trends.

Of course, one thing that has trended upwards more than anything else is the percentage of the global population that has access to the internet. Based on the data presented in this report, 64.6% of the world’s population has internet access, which amounts to around 5.2 billion people. This is more than twice the number that had internet access back in 2013, when just 2.1 billion people were able to use the service.

These internet users spend 25.1 hours online every minute, and with internet access spreading at such a rapid rate, this number will reach staggering proportions before the decade is out. It will be interesting to see where things go from here on out, since there are several aspects of this growth that have yet to be determined.

Insights from Data Never Sleeps: 64.6% global internet users, 25.1 hours online/minute, 241M emails, 6.3M Google searches, $463K Venmo transactions—remarkable trends.

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