New Study Reveals The Best Big Tech Companies To Intern At

Interning at a big tech company is a pivotal step for anyone looking to forge a successful career in technology. These internships offer unparalleled exposure to cutting-edge innovations and industry best practices, making them an invaluable learning experience.

But which of the big tech companies is doing the best job of developing its interns?

It's the question that kicked off this latest study from the employment experts at ResumeIO. They researched thousands of Glassdoor reviews left by interns at big tech companies, looking for those that explicitly recommended their internship to friends and college buddies.

Find out which company came out on top in the charts below.

Now, let's take a deep dive into why tech internships are so valuable and how to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Why intern at a tech company?

Securing an internship at a major tech company is a strategic move for career advancement, offering numerous benefits that can launch and shape a professional's trajectory.

Tech companies are at the forefront of technological innovation, exposing interns to cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. Moreover, interning at a big tech firm often involves working on significant projects, which can be challenging and rewarding. This hands-on experience is crucial for personal and professional development, allowing interns to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Then there's the opportunity for networking. Big tech companies attract some of the brightest minds in the industry, and interns have the chance to connect with experienced professionals and peers. These connections can lead to mentorship opportunities, future job prospects, and a deeper understanding of the tech space.

And the value of having an internship at a major tech company on a resume cannot be understated. It signals to potential employers that the candidate has been vetted and trained by industry leaders, opening doors to more meetings, interviews, and job offers.

The number one tech company for interns

Cloud-based software company Salesforce is officially the best tech company for interns, according to the study. Researchers found that almost every single intern at the firm (99.22%) left a glowing review on Glassdoor, which included recommending the firm to friends and associates.

So what's so great about interning at Salesforce?

Its internship program offers many learning and development opportunities, with interns engaging in challenging projects in software engineering and marketing. This hands-on experience is augmented by access to Salesforce's Trailhead platform, an online platform for learning new skills and workplace competencies.

And like many companies in the big-tech space. Salesforce maintains a strong focus on work-life balance, providing the flexibility needed for interns to manage their personal and professional lives effectively.

Most importantly, interns at Salesforce have plenty of opportunities to secure full-time employment post-internship, demonstrating the company's commitment to investing in its employees' futures.

More great tech companies to intern at

Salesforce isn't the only big tech company doing an outstanding job of nurturing its interns' talent and ambition.

Many of the biggest names in big tech also scored highly in the study.

On average, every single big tech firm in the top 20 list scored above 90% for intern satisfaction, with more than 9 out of 10 interns recommending their program to friends via a review on Glassdoor.

Some of the highest scorers include Adobe (98.79%), eBay (97.35%), PayPal (96.59%), and Google (95.31%).

How big tech firms create the perfect environments for interns

Big tech companies recognize the value of interns, leading to the creation of enriched environments that foster growth and development. These companies prioritize inclusive cultures, ensuring a welcoming atmosphere where interns from diverse backgrounds can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives.

Internships at these firms are structured to offer real-world, challenging projects, enabling interns to apply and enhance their skills.

From intern to CEO

Several prominent figures in the tech industry began their careers as interns, showcasing the potential career trajectory that internships can offer.

Some of those who went from intern to leadership level include:

Kevin Systrom: Starting as an intern for Odeo, the precursor to Twitter, Kevin Systrom went on to co-found Instagram, which he later sold to Facebook for $1 billion​​.

Darian Shirazi: Darian Shirazi interned at Facebook at 19 and later became the founder and CEO of Radius, a company focusing on small business data for sales and marketing purposes​​.

Aaron Dias-Melim: The first intern at the payments company Square, Aaron Dias-Melim started working on content for Square's support team and has since held various roles, now serving as a Product Marketing Manager​​.

Austin Geidt: Uber's first intern in 2010, Austin Geidt rose through the ranks to become the Head of Global Expansion, playing a pivotal role in Uber's international growth​​.

Jen Fitzpatrick: Starting as an intern at Google in 1999, Jen Fitzpatrick became one of the company's first female engineers and has held numerous important roles, including leading the product and engineering efforts for Google's geo and local products​​.

How to secure an internship at a big tech company

Landing an internship at a big tech company isn’t easy. It requires a combination of academic excellence, skill development, networking, and strategic application.

Here are key strategies to increase the chances of landing one of these sought-after positions:

Academic Excellence: Maintaining a strong GPA is crucial as big tech companies often use academic performance as a screening tool. They look for candidates who have excelled in their coursework, particularly in subjects relevant to the role they're applying for.

Relevant Skills and Projects: In the tech industry, practical skills are as essential as theoretical knowledge. Candidates should work on personal or academic projects that showcase their abilities in coding, software development, data analysis, or other relevant areas.

Networking: Building a professional network is essential. Attend industry conferences, tech meetups, and career fairs to connect with professionals from big tech companies. Engaging with company representatives, alumni, or current interns can provide valuable insights and potentially lead to referral opportunities.

Tailored Applications: Big tech firms receive thousands of applications from interns. Generic cover letters and CVs go straight into the reject pile. So make sure you customize resumes and cover letters for each application. Highlight relevant experiences, projects, and skills that align with the job description. Research the company's culture and recent projects and give concrete examples of why you're the perfect candidate.

Preparation for Interviews: Big tech companies often have rigorous interview processes. Prepare by practicing technical skills, coding interviews, and understanding the company's interview format.

Utilizing University Resources: Many universities have partnerships with tech companies for internship programs. Utilize the university's career services, attend company talks on campus, and seek advice from career counselors.

Persistence and Follow-up: The application process can be competitive, and it may take multiple attempts to secure an internship. Persistence is key.

Making the most of your internship

Here are some tips and advice on how to maximize the internship experience:
  • Set clear goals
  • Be proactive
  • Ask for (and listen to) feedback
  • Learn from others
  • Document your experience
  • Ask questions
  • Balance your workload
  • Keep an eye out for full-time employment opportunities
By following these guidelines, interns can fully leverage their opportunity at a big tech company, making it a transformative experience that lays a solid foundation for their future career.

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