Sundar Pichai's Email Reveals Concerns Over Google's Safari Browser Dominance and Antitrust Implications

The CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai always wished for Apple to have its own respective search engine.

Pichai reportedly felt that the optics of making Google the sole search engine across Apple’s Safari browser was just not something he was a fan of, years before becoming the head of Alphabet.

He was in charge of overseeing the operations taking place at the Chrome Browser in the year 2007 and even went as far as generating an email to the firm’s co-founders and top executives about how he felt about the matter.

This is where he shed light on the organization’s insistence on being the default search engine for millions and how he didn’t like the idea. Instead, he put forward his own thoughts regarding how strongly he felt regarding making other options available, like Yahoo or another simpler option.

“I never felt it would provide the best user experience out there today”- he mentioned. Similarly, he spoke about the negative optics of making Google a sole provider across browsers as per reports published in the WSJ recently.

For Pichai, it was all about giving users the best experience and he didn’t feel this was the right way to go about the situation.

Meanwhile, Google’s antitrust lawsuit which began in September has now reached a milestone during this past week. The Justice Department’s latest witness was the Google CEO himself and that’s where he concluded the testimony regarding its functionality on Tuesday. Now, he will reportedly be called out as the witness by the firm’s legal team as the trial proceeds.

Google’s ex-head for its advertising was made to answer some leading questions while taking the stand in court. This includes why his world-famous Neeva search engine giant closed down and wasn’t able to compete against the likes of Google. Similarly, he was grilled about why Google jets out millions of funds each year to ensure it continues to be a default search engine across all global smartphone devices.

We’re likely to see Google publicize this testimony further in most of its closing arguments that display how competitors are not required to put out a huge market share if they wish to generate useful results in search and compete with the likes of Google.

Google’s former head for advertising made it very clear how most smartphone users around the world simply follow their phone’s default settings and refuse to change them if it’s giving out desirable results. Similarly, he did testify more in detail about how his Neeva search engine could deliver results that were profitable if it possessed search market share results hitting the 2.5% mark.

For years, software giant Microsoft always spoke about how it wished to attain the status of being a dominant or default search engine. It was to the point that the firm’s CEO added how it would actually opt to take on losses of close to $15 billion every year and transform Bing into a default option for users when they’re searching for information across their iPhone models.

Then we had the CEO for advertising at Microsoft also testify how he assumed Apple users made use of Microsoft and called it out as their bargaining chip as the threat of shifting allowed them to gain Google’s best working conditions.

Meanwhile, some reports are suggesting how the US could make Google head in the EU’s direction. And by that, we mean giving users the chance to select a search engine through their new device’s screen.

Such an option is dubbed choice screen and it outlines a particular browser or search engine whenever a consumer charges up their new electronic devices, be it phones, PCs, or tablets.

We saw the EU rolled out such processes in 2019 and it was all linked to a compulsory mandate with the EC who launched a ruling regarding this in the past year. Meanwhile, the EU ended up issuing fines to Google and claiming it indulged in unfair advantages by installing Chrome browsers and the Google App in advance for those with Android devices.

Photo: Brian Tong / TY

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